πŸ›°οΈShare Settings

Facebook Sharing

Facebook App ID

Create a Facebook key and add it here. This allows you to interact with Facebook's API.

Enable Facebook Sharing

This setting will hide or show the Facebook icon on the contestants page.

Enable Facebook Login

This setting will allow Facebook to be used to register and sign in.

Pinterest Sharing

Enable Pinterest Sharing

This setting will hide or show the Pinterest icon on the contestants page.

Reddit Sharing

Enable Reddit Sharing

This setting will hide or show the Reddit icon on the contestants page.

LinkedIn Sharing

Enable LinkedIn Sharing

This setting will hide or show the LinkedIn icon on the contestants page.

Tumbler Sharing

Enable Tumbler Sharing

This setting will hide or show the Tumbler icon on the contestants page.

Twitter Sharing

Twitter API Key

Create a Twitter API key and enter it here. This will allow you access to the Twitter API.

Twitter API Secret

Create a Twitter API secret and enter it here. This will allow you access to the Twitter API.

Enable Twitter Sharing

This setting will hide or show the Twitter icon on the contestants page.

Enable Twitter Login

This setting will allow Twitter to be used to register and sign in.

Google Authentication

Enable Google Login

This setting will allow Google to be used to register and sign in.

App Client ID

Create an application client ID with Google and enter it here to gain access to Google's API.

Last updated