Custom Fields Menu
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Last updated
The Custom Field Menu is divided into three sections:
The "Contestant Custom Fields" tab, where existing custom fields can be managed and edited.
The "Add Custom Fields" tab, where new fields can be created and configured.
The "Add Fields to Submit Entry" tab, where custom fields can be applied to various contest categories.
If you have not added any fields and would like to start from the beginning, head to the Add Custom Fields Tab.
You must have a contest category already set up to be able to apply any fields you make.
If you just want to apply one you've already made to a contest entry form, head to the Add Fields to Submit Entry Tab page.
In order to edit existing custom fields, navigate to the Contestant Custom Fields tab. Click on any of the fields you wish to edit and you will be taken to a menu to edit their configuration. Simply click save when you are done.