πŸ“§Email Notifications

Usage Variables

You can use the following email tags to customize the email notifications.

Contestant link
Store URL
Video link
Video Upload
Image 3
Image 2
Enter your SoundCloud or MP3 File URL
Featured Image
Email Address of Contestant
Upload your MP3 File
Enter Video URL from: YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitch, Wistia,Vidyyard, BitChute, Mixcloud, MP4, OGV or WebM
From Email ID

This is where you select the 'from user ID'

Admin Email Notification

Admin Notification

This toggle will allow the admin to be notified when a contestant submits a new entry.

Notification E-Mail Id

This setting determines who the email gets sent to when triggered. If left blank, the admin email in your wordpress settings will be used.

Admin Email Notification

This is where you will make your email template using the variables shown above. For Example:

You have a new contestant waiting admin approval.

Title: {contestant-title} Contestant Email: {contestant-email_address}

Contestant URL: {contestant-link}

Description: {contestant-desc}

Image 2: {customfield_5edfdbc7e126b}

Image 3: {customfield_5e2677aeccf8c}

Contestant Success Email Notification

Contestant Success Notification

This toggle will allow the contestant to be notified when they submit a new entry.

Email Notification Subject

This will be the subject in the email sent to the contestant, for example: 'Voting Contest: Entry Submission Received'.

Contestant Success Email Notification

This is where you will make the email template using the variables shown above. For Example:


Once we review your entry and approve the entry, we will notify you that your entry is live! Thank you for entering our Sample Contest at https://demo.ohiowebtech.com. We hope that you have enjoyed the demo of our system.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me directly at matt@ohiowebtech.com.

Thank you and best of luck to you!

Contestant Published Email Notification

Contestant Published Notification

This toggle will allow the contestant to be notified when their entry is published and approved.

Email Notification Subject

This will be the subject in the email sent to the contestant, for example: 'Voting Contest: Entry Submission Approved'.

Contestant Published Email Notification

This is where you will make the email template using the variables shown above. For Example:


Your entry has been approved!! You can view your entry here: {contestant-link} Thank you for entering our Sample Contest at https://demo.ohiowebtech.com/. We hope that you have enjoyed the demo of our system.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me directly at matt@ohiowebtech.com.

Thank you and best of luck to you!

Contestant Rejection Email Notification

Contestant Rejection Notification

This toggle will allow the contestant to be notified when they have an entry rejected.

Email Notification Subject

This will be the subject in the email sent to the contestant, for example: 'Voting Contest: Entry Submission Rejected'.

Contestant Rejection Email Notification

This is where you will make the email template using the variables shown above. For Example:


Your entry has been rejected. Thank you for entering our Sample Contest at https://demo.ohiowebtech.com/. We hope that you have enjoyed the demo of our system.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me directly at matt@ohiowebtech.com. Thank you.

Last updated