Please note that the available sizes to choose from are populated from your WordPress Media Settings. This ensures that your contest will better match the rest of your website.
WordPress Dashboard > Settings > Media
Shortcode Contest Image
Select image size to show on grid/list view. Keep in mind that this setting works hand in hand with the settings in the layout menu's when designing your contest and website aesthetic. See Maintain image proportion within the contest specific layout.
It is important to understand the way that choosing the size works here. Simply put, from the drop down list you will see size choices in the form 'large - 800x600' which represents the dimensions of the image as 'width x height'. If you select a value where there is both a width and height parameter, the image will be cropped to fit this size.
You will also see values that take the form 'medium - 400x0' which means that the height value can be variable and your columns will remain 400 pixels.
Contestants Page Image
This is the contestants image shown when a user navigates to a single contestants page.
It is important to understand the way that choosing the size works here. Simply put, from the drop down list you will see size choices in the form 'large - 800x600' which represents the dimensions of the image as 'width x height'. If you select a value where there is both a width and height parameter, the image will be cropped to fit this size.
You will also see values that take the form 'medium - 400x0' which means that the height value can be variable and your width will remain 400 pixels.
Popup Image
This image will be shown when the the popup modal is shown.
It is important to understand the way that choosing the size works here. Simply put, from the drop down list you will see size choices in the form 'large - 800x600' which represents the dimensions of the image as 'width x height'. If you select a value where there is both a width and height parameter, the image will be cropped to fit this size.
You will also see values that take the form 'medium - 400x0' which means that the height value can be variable and your width will remain 400 pixels.
Single Contestant Image
This setting can determine the size of a contestant image on a single contestant page in either pixels or percentages.
Single Contestant Page Settings
Title Position
This setting determines the position of the title in the single contestant view, which can be either the top or bottom.
Disable Popup
This setting determines whether or not to disable the single contestant page popup modal. 'No' means there will be a popup, 'Yes' means the popup will be disabled.
Disable Single Contestant Page
This setting allows you to disable the single contestant page altogether. Toggle to 'Yes' in order to diable the page.
Content Settings
A global title to display above all contests. This may be useful for branding or other identification.
Order By
This setting allows you to chose how the contestants are ordered in grid/list view. You can choose from Author, Date, Title, Modified, Menu, Order, Parent, ID, Votes, and Random. Additionally, you can chose ascending or descending order.
Select Sidebar
This setting will allow you to select the type of contestant sidebar and its location on the single contestant page. You can also select 'None' to disable it altogether.
Disable Sidebar
This setting will allow you to disable the single contestant page sidebar, select 'Yes' to disable.
Default State of Entry Form
This allows you to globally override the entry form time period specific to each contest. If set to open, all contests will have entry forms open at all times.
Hide Your Profile Tab
This setting will allow you to disable the 'Your Profile' tab in the contestants grid/list view. In the 'Your Profile' tab, you can manage your contest submissions, view uploaded entries, and update your submission information.
Enable Expired Contest
This setting allows you to enable or disable the viewing of expired contests in the category selection.
Popup Settings
Disable Popup
This setting allows you to disable the popup from clicking on the image of a contestant in grid/list view. If disabled, it will redirect to the single contestants page
Show Date
This setting allows you to show the image post date in the popup.
Permalink Settings
Custom Slug
Here you can set a custom slug.
Contestant Link in New Tab
This setting allows you to have the single contestant page open in a new tab. This will only work if the custom link for the contestant is added.
Login Settings
Hide Create Account
This setting will allow you to hide or show the create account tab in the login form.
Enable / Disable Auto Login
This setting allows you to decide weather to force the user to log in after registration or auto log the user in. Enable will auto login and is a sensible default.
Google ReCaptcha Settings
To obtain a Recaptcha V2 Site Key and Secret Key, follow these steps:
Sign in with your Google account. If you do not have a Google account, you will need to create one.
Click on the "+" button to add a new site.
Enter the name and URL of your website, and select "reCAPTCHA v2" as the type of reCAPTCHA you want to use.
Accept the terms of service and click on the "Submit" button.
Copy the Site Key and Secret Key that are displayed on the screen. These are the keys you will use to implement Recaptcha V2 on your website.
Keep in mind that the Secret Key should be kept private and should not be shared with anyone, as it is used to communicate between your website and the Recaptcha server. The Site Key, on the other hand, should be added to the HTML code of your website and is used to display the Recaptcha widget to users.
Enable Recaptcha in Login & Register
"Enable Recaptcha in Login & Register" means that the Recaptcha security system will be enabled for both the login and registration pages of a website, requiring users to complete a Recaptcha challenge before they can access these pages. This is often used to help prevent automated bots from attempting to gain access to a website's login or registration pages.
Enable Recaptcha While Voting
"Enable Recaptcha While Voting" means that the Recaptcha security system will be enabled when a user attempts to vote on a website, requiring them to complete a Recaptcha challenge before their vote will be counted. This is often used to help prevent automated bots from attempting to manipulate voting systems.
Recaptcha V2 Site Key
A Recaptcha V2 Site Key is a unique code that is used to authenticate the ownership of a website when implementing the Recaptcha V2 security system. Click the link to the right if you arent already set up.
Recaptcha V2 Secret Key
A Recaptcha V2 Secret Key is a unique code that is used to authenticate the ownership of a website when implementing the Recaptcha V2 security system, and is kept private and used to communicate between the website and the Recaptcha server. Click the link to the right if you arent already set up.