πŸ“ƒPagination Settings

Number Of Contestants Per Page (Max 500)

This setting is simply the maximum contestants per page. You can set a maximum of 500.

Text for Number of Pages

This setting allows you to customize the text that is displayed to show the total number of pages and the current page number. The setting uses two variables, %TOTAL_PAGES% and %CURRENT_PAGE%, which are replaced with the actual total number of pages and the current page number when the text is displayed.

For example, if you set the "Text for Number of Pages" to "Total Pages: %TOTAL_PAGES%", the text displayed might be "Total Pages: 10" if there are 10 pages of content. If the user is currently on the second page, the text displayed might be "Total Pages: 10 (Page 2 of 10)". You can customize the text to be any format you like, as long as you include the %TOTAL_PAGES% and %CURRENT_PAGE% variables.

Text For LoadMore Button

This setting allows you to customize the text that appears on the button used to load additional content. By default, the button text is usually set to "Load More," but you can customize it to be any text you like.

The Page Navigation Style setting determines the method used to navigate between pages of content. The four options are: infinite scroll, load more button, drop down, or normal.

Last updated